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਀ Newburyport, MA - The New England Fishery Management Council continues to face serious challenges as it continues to work toward rebuilding the region’s groundfish stocks. An annual report authorized by the Council to evaluate the effectiveness of its efforts to manage a number of New England’s valuable fish stocks such as cod, haddock and flounders, has announced mixed results on the effectiveness of the Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery Management Plan. The report underscores the difficulties in not only rebuilding, but in maintaining sustainable fisheries, while taking into account the social and economic impacts of regulations on fishing communities. The full Council will discuss the report and will consider, but not finalize, strategies to address issues identified in the document at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 7 at the Tavern on the Harbor in Gloucester, MA.਀

਀ As in the past, this year’s Multispecies Monitoring Committee (MSMC) Report discusses the stock rebuilding progress for five key fish stocks. The report notes continued improvement in the stock status of Georges Bank haddock and Georges Bank yellowtail flounder. Fishing mortality (a rate of removal attributed to fishing) is below the Council’s target in the plan, spawning stock biomass (the weight of fish in a stock that are old enough to reproduce) has increased, and new year classes (juveniles) are continuing to show up in at-sea surveys of the stocks. Georges Bank cod spawning stock biomass has increased slightly, but is not yet rebuilt to target levels. Fishing mortality is higher than the Council’s target and the appearance of new year classes, called recruitment, is poor. Further fishing restrictions are recommended.਀

਀ The MSMC points out that the stock status of Southern New England yellowtail flounder remains largely unchanged from last year. Spawning stock biomass is well below the target level, and although fishing mortality has remained relatively constant, the overall poor condition of the stock indicates significant reductions in fishing are required. ਀

਀ Gulf of Maine cod also remains problematic. Although the spawning stock biomass has increased somewhat from historic low levels, fishing mortality is high and recruitment is poor. The report does note that the 1998 year class of Gulf of Maine cod is large and could provide the basis of more successful stock rebuilding in the future. Because Gulf of Maine cod still requires large reductions in fishing mortality to ensure stock rebuilding to target levels, the MSMC has recommended additional management measures to accomplish this goal. ਀

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This page was last updated on November 13, 2000.
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