Summary of Plan
Plan Amendments Framework Adjustments

   Original FMP
Federal Register Publication Date
Date ImplementedDescription of Action Description of Action
Final Rule 7/22/11  
14 Under Development Part of the Essential Fish Habitat Omnibus Amendment 2
Final Rule 6/23/04  Amendment 13 permanently re-activated the industry-funded observer program in the Scallop FMP through a scallop total allowable catch (TAC) and days-at-sea (DAS) set-aside program that helps vessel owners defray the cost of carrying observers.
Final Rule 2/27/08 Part of Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment
Final Rule 6/1/2008 Implemented measures to control capacity and mortality in the general category scallop fishery.  Primary measures include a limited entry program for general category vessels, as well as other permit provisions including some level of stacking allocations on a permanent or temporary basis and approval of a mechanism for voluntary sectors.  Other limited entry permits were approved as well including a permit to fish exclusively in the Northern Gulf of Maine (possession limit of 200 pounds) and an incidental catch permit (possession limit of 40 pounds).  Qualifying vessels will receive an individual allocation of scallop pounds based on their landings history, and the possession limit of 400 pounds per trip is maintained.  The general category fishery will receive a total allocation of 5% of the total projected scallop catch in each fishing year.  The proposed action also includes adjustments to limited access scallop fishing under general category rules. All general category permits would be issued in March rather than May to better integrate fishery data in the management process.  Several other administrative provisions and adjustments were included as well. 
 Final Rule
6/23/04  Amendment 10 measures include a long-term, comprehensive program to manage the sea scallop fishery through an area rotation management program to maximize scallop yield. Areas will be defined and will be closed and reopenedn to fishing on a rotational basis, depending on the condition and size of the scallop resource in the areas. This rule includes measures to minimize the adverse effects of fishing on Essential Fish Habitat to the extent practicable. Amendment 10 also includes updated days-at-sea allocations, measures to minimize bycatch to the extent practicable, and other measures to make the management program more effective, efficient , and flexible.
9 Final Rule
03/03/99 Addressed Sustainable Fisheries Act requirements for designating Essential Fish Habitat. (Same as Amendment 11 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP, Amendment 1 to the Monkfish FMP, Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Salmon FMP and components of the proposed Atlantic Herring FMP).
8 Final Rule
03/22/99 Implemented regulations to achieve regulatory consistency on vessel permitting for fishery management plans (FMP’s), which have limited access permits issued by the Northeast Region of NMFS. (Same as Amendment 11 to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass FMP, Amendment 7 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish FMP, Amendment 11 to the Atlantic Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog FMP, Amendment 10 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP, and Amendment 7 to the American Lobster FMP).
7 Final Rule
04/28/99 Eliminated overfishing and rebuilding biomass to levels in accordance with the requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act by revising the current fishing effort reduction schedule. Reduced the allowable days-at-sea for Atlantic sea scallop vessels significantly. Further modified the annual monitoring process, increased the types of management measures that would be put into effect through framework adjustments, and continued two Mid-Atlantic closed areas until 03/01/01.
Except Sections 648.14(a)(110) and (a)(111) and 648.57 became effective 03/27/99 through 03/01/01
6 Final Rule
02/10/97 Addressed gear conflicts in the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and Southern New England areas (Same as Amendment 8 in Northeast Multispecies FMP and Amendment 6 in the American Lobster FMP).
5 Final Rule
02/13/97 through 07/15/98 Temporarily closed a small area to all but hand gear for the purpose of conducting an aquaculture research project.
4 Final Rule
03/01/94 Changed the primary management mechanism from the meat-count standard to an effort control program for all resource areas.
3 Final Rule 02/05/90 Established regional 12-hour time periods for off-loading sea scallops in order to improve compliance with the meat count/shell height standards of the FMP.
2 Final Rule 07/22/88 Provided a 10% increase in the meat count standard during October through January (during spawning when individual meat weight is reduced). Established a framework regulatory mechanism to adjust the meat count standard during the spawning season.
1 Final Rule 12/30/86
For Secretarial Amendment
The major measure proposed in Amendment 1 was a 40-meat count (scallop meats per pound) minimum size throughout the fishery, but NOAA issued a secretarial amendment to supersede Amendment 1. The intent of the Secretarial Amendment was to continue the management measures of the original FMP and facilitate the development of an alternative management program for the fishery.